TOUCH SENSITIVE *************** Distr. : UK - Bleep/Piccadilly/Boomkat/Norman/ US - Forced Exposure/ Style : soundtracks / funky . sci-fi boogie / industrial / wave / electro / TSR 001 [soundtrack] DAVID HOLMES : '71 LP+MP3 10.2014 1. You’re Going To Belfast, 2. The Hunt 3. ’71 4. Posh Cunts Telling Thick Cunts To Kill Poor Cunts 5. Riot On The Lower Falls 6. Thommo's Dead 7. Where's The Soldier? 8. The Hunt (Part 2) 9. Doing Your Dirty Work 10. Need A Way Out! 11. scape From Divis ’71 12. Is He Dead? 13. The Theme From ’71 14. Aftermath 15. We’ll Be Fine, I Promise You --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 002 CD V / A : Cherrystones: Critical Mass/Splinters From 2LP+MP3 05.2015 The Worldwide New-Wave, Post-Punk and Industrial Underground 1978 – 1984 TSR 002 CD V / A : Cherrystones: Critical Mass/Splinters From CD 05.2015 The Worldwide New-Wave, Post-Punk and Industrial Underground 1978 – 1984 1. Rheingold FanFanFanatisch 2. Rizzo I Don't Care 3. The Tee-Vees War Machine 4. Chandra Kate 5. Aksak Maboul A Modern Lesson 6. Transmitters The Beat Goes On 7. The Method Actors Bleeding 8. Crazy House People Fall From Tall Buildings 9. Bamboo Zoo Emerging 10. Dojoji Quincunx 11. The Lines White Night v 12. Fote: Permanent 13. 39 Clocks Heat of Violence 14. The Flowerpot Men UG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 003 THE HOST ESALEN LECTURES LP+DLc 08.2015 A1. Begin A2. Praxis I A3. World Citizen A4. Submersion A5. Peri-Natal Imprinting A6. Praxis II A7. Primate Change A8. Suggestogen A9. Sunset Induction B1. Minerva Dreamstate B2. Subproject 58 B3. Belief Formation B4. Neo-Primitive B5. DARPA Spectrum B6. Praxis III B7. See Shar --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 004 DOCUMENTA DRONE POP #1 LP .2015 01. Idle Hands 02. Spanish Artist 03. Horror Vacui I 04. Selene 05. Love As A Ghost 06. Chiaroscuro 07. Horror Vacui II 08. The Day My Heart Stood Still --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 005 MAYA SYNTHEZOID HEARTBREAK 7" 02.2016 A Synthezoid Heartbreak 4:11 B Distant Visions 5:07 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 006 LP GROSS NET QUANTITATIVE EASING LP 11.2016 1 Citadel Ghosts 2 The Body 3 Shave With A Cold Blade 4 Beautiful Boy 5 Data Transfer 6 Currency Transfer 7 Citalopram 8 Side Effects 9 Dead Industry 10 Still Life --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 08 LP GROUP ZERO STRUCTURES AND LIGHT LP 02.2017 1. The Glaze Over 03:23 2. The Fantasist 03:04 3. The Pummelling Repetition Inside 05:30 4. Pursuit 04:05 5. I Dream Unwired 05:55 6. Saturnine Adorations 04:08 7. Pyramid of Light 01:56 8. Love and the Present 02:34 9. Vernissage 05:53 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 09 MC BARRY LYNN TAURUS TAPES VOL.1 CS 04.2016 1. Alcyone 03:57 2. Zeta Tauri 08:23 3. Atlas 03:34 4. Nu Tauri 03:46 5. Omicron Tauri 02:23 6. 88 Tauri 04:56 7. RV Tauri 04:17 8. T Tauri 02:24 9. The Pyramid Builders 06:18 10. V Asterism 01:31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 10 MC BARRY LYNN TAURUS TAPES VOL.2 CS 04.2017 1. Gliese 176 00:30 2. Alpha Tauri 03:12 3. Merope 02:42 4. Ruby Star 02:09 5. Kappa Tauri 01:48 6. Lambda Tauri 03:37 7. Chi Tauri 02:24 8. Pleiades 09:00 9. Taygeta 00:48 10. Epsilon Tauri 01:53 11. Sigma Tauri 02:29 12. Celaeno 00:54 13. 36 Tauri 02:24 14. Messier 1 00:55 15. Asterope 01:40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 11 EP AUTUMNS DYSLEXIA TRACKS 12" 10.2017 1. Self Consumed 07:51 2. Headache Tablet 05:56 3. You're A Right Useless Cunt Aren't You 08:15 4. City Secrets 06:21 5. Distorted Thinking 08:45 Autumns is the solo project of Christian Donaghey from Derry, Northern Ireland. Following several releases on Downwards and Clan Destine and hot on the heels of his debut LP, ‘Suffocating Brothers’, the ‘Dyslexia Tracks’ EP sees Autumns deliver 5 tracks and 38 minutes of brutal beauty for Touch Sensitive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 12 LP DAVID HOLMES MOSAIC LP 06.2018 (Music From The HBO Limited Series) (Note : LP , transp.-red vinyl) TSR 12 CD DAVID HOLMES MOSAIC CD 06.2018 (Music From The HBO Limited Series) 1. Theme From Mosaic 01:26 2. Four Years Later 01:51 3. That Is Most Definitely Him 01:56 4. I've Instructed Them To Check The Dumpsters 03:01 5. What I Want Is The Red Room 01:58 6. Does It Matter Which Side Of Her Jaw Was Hit? 04:16 7. I Don't Trust Her 01:27 8. Olivia Lake 03:12 9. Petra Enters The Red Room 01:16 10. Body Removal 03:08 11. Francis, I Need You To Focus 01:52 12. Pull Over Joel, Just Pull Over!! 06:42 13. Ask Clarence 03:16 14. Deep Down You're Lonely 01:35 15. Eric Neill Is Left Handed 03:16 16. I Prefer Your Suspicion To Your Pity 00:44 17. Sorry I Have No Comment 01:48 18. Strange Shirt Found With Body 01:22 19. I Know What I Have To Do 02:54 20. Mosaic 02:23 Mosaic is the latest powerhouse TV series from HBO, directed by big-screen big-dog Steven Soderbergh. Of course, such a production needs a suitable soundtrack, and David Holmes has done the honours here with a set of alternately smooth, eerie, tense and avant moods. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 14 DOCUMENTA LADY WITH THE RING 12" 10.2018 1. Lady With The Ring (Narration) 3:12 2. The Blue Sleep 5:22 3. It’s Quiet Now 2:19 4. Jack Morbus 5:00 5. The Fullness Of Years 2:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 15 AI MESSIAH SENTIENCE AND SAPIENCE LP 11.2018 1. Playing God 2. Dream Into Being 3. Predictive Thought 4. RaptureTech 5. Enter Realm 6. Void Droid 7. Cosmic Attractor 8. Crispr Chimera 9. Frontier Cognition 10. Sentience & Sapience 11. Wetware Error 12. Rendering Eden 13. Chasm Circuitry 14. Surface Dwellers 15. Theosis U¨bermensch 16. Dust Simian 17. Encrypted Redeemer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 16 V / A WACKER THAT CS 10.2019 TSR 16 V / A WACKER THAT DL 10.2019 1. VHS 3 02:29 2. Diamante Shithouse 05:16 3. Saol Nua 03:56 4. Shadow Bank 03:01 5. Loosen Up 05:45 6. Silk Maker 06:32 7. Bled White (Gross Net Blood Remix) 04:30 8. Mystery Setting 03:06 9. Selene (Drones Only) 04:09 10. Song For Mary Black 04:06 11. Play On Heads (Archiv '17) 04:27 12. Tommy Tubs 04:27 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 17 (s) DAVID HOLMES+BRIAN IRVINE : ORDINARY LOVE LP 12.2019 1. Ordinary Love 2. Mammogram 3. Good Man 4. Power Walking 5. Peter And Steve 6. To And Fro 7. It'll Be Over In No Time 8. Check Up 9. Dreaming 10. Mammogram Erased 11. Chemotherapy 12. More Power Walking 13. Normal People 14. Love 15 . Every Moment 16. The Haircut 17. Debbie 18. MRI Again 19. Isn't It So --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 18 BLACK BONES NIGHT DRIVES 12" 03.2021 TSR 18 BLACK BONES NIGHT DRIVES DL 03.2021 1. ABTS 05:37 2. Denied 05:46 3. Punghi 05:10 4. Gabi 04:28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 19 V / A Cherrystones Presents Critical Mass Vol. 2 2LP 11.2020 Hearts Of Champions TSR 19 V / A Cherrystones Presents Critical Mass Vol. 2 CD 11.2020 Hearts Of Champions 1. Dolphins 03:02 2. Bled Dry 05:25 3. Hog Rhythm 02:22 4. Hey 02:26 5. Slow Love 04:03 6. My Blues Is You (Slow Dub) 02:44 7. Antoine 04:08 8. Passage 06:24 9. Double Gates 00:56 10. Bowl Of Cherries 05:00 11. Pablo Picasso 03:18 12. The Beast 07:00 13. Clip Eroclap 03:41 14. Lady Run 02:46 15. Moving Creatures 04:50 16. Le Vieux Satrape 04:49 17. Night Architecture 02:55 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 21 LP AUTUMNS DYSLEXIA SOUND SYSTEM LP 04.2021 1. Restricted Movement 04:50 2. Having It 04:50 3. Cheek Of The Boy 03:51 4. How To Apply For A Job 04:58 5. Spirit Details 05:34 6. Fresh Spit 04:21 7. Raw Meat Dub 04:22 8. Derry Soundwave 02:27 (Note : LP , 250 copies) On ‘Dyslexia Sound System’, Irish artist Christian Donaghey (a.k.a. Autumns) returns to the Touch Sensitive label and remixes his own work. Inspired by dub pioneers such as On-U Sound and bands like The Pop Group, these tempos are slower than his usual fusions of electronic music and post-punk but still bear his sonic hallmarks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 022 VOX POPULI! PSYKO TROPIX LP 04.2022 (Note : LP , black vinyl) TSR 022 VOX POPULI! PSYKO TROPIX DL 04.2022 1. Caballo Blanco 2. Mush Dubby Gnarls & Vrooms 3. Holistikoholic 4. Golpari June 5. Koutchoulou 6. Getting To Know Mars & Venus 7. Psycho Tropics 8. Ethno Space Trek 9. Somebody's Calling My Name 10. Sunshine Boy In India 11. Farewell Ceremony --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSR 024 AUTUMNS DSS DUBPLATE 10" 11.2021 1. Annoying Fucker 04:12 2. Eating On The Ground 04:41 3. Never Lasted 04:24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =======================================================================================